Episode 4 Part 3 seducing spirits and the doctrine of devils when it comes to baptism that goes against salvation
How many of us have been, known someone, or belong to a church that baptizes in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Believe it or not as right as that sounds and it can be seen in the bible being baptized in the name of the Father and of the […]
Part 2 of Deception #3 acceptance vs repentance Seducing Spirits and Doctrine of Devils. That goes against salvation
We have replaced repentance with acceptance. There are more churches now telling you to accept. They’re not preaching repentance. This is another form of the doctrine of devils and seducing spirits. Who are they really accepting? Listen for more. Send us a text Support the show
Episode 1 seducing spirits and doctrine of devils that goes against our Salvation!
The bible says Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (1 timothy 4:1-2 Episode 1 seducing spirits and doctrine of devils we're going to talk about […]
Religion Episode 2 find out who is the father of religion and how it started.
Now let us begin with episode 2 of religion in this episode I would like to ask you, and I would like you to ask yourself these three questions. 1. Where did religion come from? I am talking about man-made religion or did it come from man? 2. Why are there so many different religions? […]
Religion Episode 1 the law of Moses vs. religion
What is the difference between the law of Moses and man-made religion? What were the intentions behind the law of Moses? What is the purpose of the law of Moses and how is it any different than today's religion? You can find the answer to these questions and more in episode one titled […]
Followers of the Way let there be Light intro
Talking about the the purpose of the podcast. Who we are what you would be hearing What you will not be hearing What is the true Name of the Most High What is the true name of the Son who and what is the Way Questions? Comments? email me at [email protected] more information visit theartoflibertion.org […]