Deepen Your Understanding
Builder and maker is Yahuah
Liberation is like art that can be seen from all around the world. The purpose of the Art of Liberation is to be a guide that can add to your understanding and purpose. Rather, it is in Christ or self-liberation, unlocking your purpose and understanding the liberty you have, and expressing it without feeling ashamed, useless, having fear of rejection, and feeling outcast. I choose to believe in the liberty I have in Yahusha, so I express my art with Yahusha being the center stone, the Rock of my liberation. But as the rain falls on the good and bad, so can this information. The Art of Liberation helps a believer who is bound to religion with understanding that freedom in Christ comes from God, and religion is man-made. Abraham seeks a kingdom whose builder and maker is Yahuah.
Love and respect
The Art of Liberation is not meant to judge or call people out; it is a guide to a deeper understanding of the liberation we have in Yahusha and within self. Yah so loved the world, so the Art of Liberation has no respect in persons. If one chooses liberation of self and says there is no Elohim, this info is for them as well. Judge not before the time; who are we to judge? Religion has its purpose and some believers feel at peace with that form of art. Let us respect one another’s beliefs, and in doing so, you will understand the purpose of the Art of Liberation, which is freedom without form.
The journey into liberation
He that wins souls is wise. Follow me on this journey to unlock your true purpose. It is only together that we can overcome the things that stand in our way. Art can come in many forms. “To wit, that Yahuah was in Yahusha, reconciling the world unto himself.” (2 Corinthians 5:19) The Art of Liberation is a journey and guide into becoming the thought of how we see life, ourselves, and self-knowledge, and to express it in love. Again, understanding is like a treasure spread abroad, and we all have a piece. The knowledge is to share what we have and what we have learned because the knowledge doesn’t belong to us. So, there is no need for self-glory, we are all one family made up of many logos to express ourselves, some good and some bad, but doing it with love and respect.